
Mr Satish Navaraj
Mr Satish Navaraj
Solutions Consultant (Asia)

Tech Talk Stage Speaker

As an experienced professional in Information Architecture (IA) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), Satish spent over a decade exploring the connection between these fields. His career started as a Software Engineer 20 years ago, and he has held various roles from software development to solution selling. Satish’s work has focused on understanding customer pain points, organising information, and solving issues using a range of technologies, from legacy systems to cutting-edge solutions. At iManage, Satish has been inspired to use AI to address challenges in the legal industry. He has seen firsthand how combining IA and AI can create innovative solutions that enhance user experience, speed up tasks, improve efficiency, and drive business growth. He is excited about the future of this field and eager to continue exploring the synergies between IA and AI.